Equity Navigation Solution Inc. is a non-profit, tax exempt 501 C (3) corporation. We are incorporated in the State of North Carolina and located in Mecklenburg County.

As a laboratory of social change philanthropy, we are at forefront of youth social change advocacy at all three levels – the micro level, the mezzo level and the macro level.

We operate in a social justice climate that is calling for a much-needed option for donors interested in advancing upward mobility.

Also, much-needed is a better outcome alternative for donors who truly want to help the less fortunate experience breakthrough results that bring meaningful and lasting change to the lives of these youth.

Equity Navigation Solutions Inc, is proud to be the only flagship corporation in the nation that is home to “Equity Gaining Ground Facilities™.”

“Equity Gaining Ground Facilities™” are state-of-the-art safe spaces dedicated to helping Equity-Deprived Youth arrive at a healthier destination in life. 

How? With equity connectedness that furthers lifelong learning, growth, and development through the latest innovation in equity mitigation, and social mobility advancement.


Who originated four foundational concepts that are so unique, they fundamentally distinguish Equity Navigation Solutions Inc. from every organization in the nation. Namely:

  •  Equity Mitigation Space Travel™
  •  Equity-Flight Programming™
  •  Equity Gaining Ground Facilities™
  • Equity Advancement-Time Compression™
We aim to achieve the upward mobility Charlotte often speak of but has NEVER realized. We also apply our science through the services of Equity Navigation Engineers™ who are frontline pioneers bringing a unique perspective to the helping profession and the social science field.


Stepping forward to take ownership of and accountability for navigating the lives of 36,641 Equity-Deprived Youth. We aim to navigate their lives from zip codes where youth live below the poverty line to healthier pathways that lead to longer, stronger and more prosperous lives.


Ushering in a new era of breakthrough equity results that reach the outer limits of mobility mitigation success, where generations of corporate, government and NGO organizations have had limited impact.


On an on-going basis, we not only propel the hopes, and dreams of Equity-Deprived Youth forward, we navigate their lives to healthier destinations, so they too can realize the outcome health and income wealth aspirations they envision for their lives as we help them transition successfully into adulthood.


Dedicated to rescuing the lives and futures of Equity-Deprived Youth languishing and trapped in societal backwaters struggling on their own through barriers of systemic and structural disadvantage while at risk of being drowned by them.


Our 2023 /2024 donor campaign FREE YOUTH STUCK IN POVERTY, recognizes that most of the children born and STUCK in POVERTY in Charlotte arrive there through no fault of their own.

The five main pillars of poverty are (1) household income, (2) limited education, (3) lack of health insurance, (4) living in a low-income area and (5) unemployment.

‘Charlotte’s Poverty Web’ is a life-threatening man-made structure woven together with threads of intentionality, disparities, inequities, neglect, and deprivation.

By design, it is a system the City of Charlotte and its partners maintains, from which, only the fewest of the few youth escapes.

In addition to being STUCK inside due to a lack of mobility, these youth are also cut off from equitable access to opportunity, investment, resources, and support they desperately need, to to transition successfully from youth into adulthood.

‘Charlotte’s Poverty Web’ is also a social determinant of health ‘death trap’ that can harm lives trapped in it.


  • By Detonating the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of people in need of upward mobility and advancement.
  • By Poisoning the pool of better health starts for children and youth, while pipelining their lives and future into a life of juvenile delinquency, and incarceration.
  • By Killing off wealth building opportunities for poverty-stricken communities, so that their divested communities never accumulate generational wealth.
  • By Contaminating poverty-stricken zip codes with toxic facilities, inadequate access to healthy food, inadequate transportation, air and water pollution, and unsafe homes.
  • By Perpetuating life-threatening disparities and inequities without acknowledging it is deliberate.